giovedì 28 giugno 2012

Sogni U.S.A.

Esiste ancora il sogno americano? Qual è il suo futuro in  un'epoca in cui la promessa di felicità  e di prosperità economica sembra scontrarsi con una realtà sempre più complessa e difficile? 
La mostra, a cura di Bartholomew F. Bland, propone le opere di undici artisti contemporanei americani che utilizzano fantasia, immaginazione e sogno per costruire possibili mondi alternativi di fronte alla realtà. Per alcuni la costruzione di mondi fantastici costituisce la propria personale critica alla società contemporanea; per altri ciò permette di creare nuovi scenari in cui ritrovare significati e valori che sembrano ormai persi. Alcune opere condensano l'essenza del reale in sistemi miniaturizzati, altre si espandono nello spazio creando mondi alternativi con cui lo spettatore è chiamato a interagire, altre ancora si nutrono di figure oniriche e fantastiche o riflettono su temi simbolici come la casa o la famiglia o immagini del mondo dei media, ancora oggi centrali nella costruzione del mito dell'American way of life.

La mostra:
"American Dreamers"
Realtà e immaginazione nell'arte contemporanea americana
Centro di cultura contemporanea Strozzina, Firenze
dal 9 Marzo al 15 Luglio 2012
by Will Cotton

by Adrien Broom

by Adrien Broom

by Adrien Broom

by Thomas Doyle

by Thomas Doyle

by Will Cotton
Rapture by Adrien Broom

mercoledì 13 giugno 2012

The Irony of Nils Jorgensen

Nils Jorgensen is one of the most ironic photographers I have ever met. His photographs do not need to be commented. In each there is something that bites, that attracts you to go nearer. Here he told about his life. [Source: iN PUBLIC]

"Both my Mother and Father have influenced my choice to be a Street Photographer. My Mother is an artist and throughout my childhood I was introduced to the real inner struggles that is the life of creativity. It was the norm for me to see her paintings in progress, and my constant childhood memory was one where her painting and my life were intertwined. My Father is a doctor, but has been a keen photographer all his life and encouraged me when I showed an interest. He originally studied to be an architect, and his keen sense of design is one which I hope I have inherited. In 1976 he gave me his old Leica IIIg which I still have today. Although at the time there were cheaper, simpler, more automated cameras to choose from, he told me I should learn to master technique first. And this I did. Balanced with this wise technical advice was his love of photography books and magazines. One book above all others was my favourite. He had the Time Life Photography Year 1973 Edition book. This remarkable edition has outstanding images by the world’s greatest photographers, but it was the portfolios of Paul Strand, Diane Arbus, Andre Kertesz, Elliott Erwitt and Tony Ray-Jones which hit me more than any of the others. And still today thirty years later, as I re-open this treasured book, these images have lost none of their power to inspire. All these photogaphers practiced what is now termed as ‘Street Photography’. Little did I know then, at the age of 14, that I was to dedicate the rest of my life to this great art".
Photo by Nils Jorgensen

Photo by Nils Jorgensen

Photo by Nils Jorgensen

Photo by Nils Jorgensen

Photo by Nils Jorgensen

Photo by Nils Jorgensen

Photo by Nils Jorgensen